Milwaukee Magazine, Paul Kosidowski

“Director Michael Cotey - formerly of Youngblood Theatre - is now based in Chicago, but let’s hope he keeps coming north for the occasional visit. His rapport with actors is evident throughout Deathtrap, and he balances the comic and the scream-inducing with a deft hand.”

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Mike Fischer

“A director Michael Cotey realizes, what’s true to mysteries also applies to life, in which familiar ways of seeing and doing continually dim our vision and narrow our perspective, undermining our ability to write new stories about who we might be. We reduce the mysteries of life to a formula so we can cope with life’s uncertainties.”

On Theater, Dave Begel

“Mr. Cotey , aided and abetted by a bevy of designers and a corps of smart actors, delivers all of Mr.Hitchcock without ever sacrificing the honest in Ira Levin’s play in favor of any gimmick....The first act of this play is a spring, all-out from start to finish. The second act is more of a marathon. Mr. Cotey was brave enough and smart enough to not try and fill the lulls with meaningless tricks. He allowed the play to have the kind of breath that a story of suspense needs to have....[Deathtrap sets] a high bar for the rest of the theater season in Milwaukee.”

On Milwaukee, Gwen Rice

“As the desperate author, frightened that all his success and good ideas are behind him, Bill Watson carries the show. From casually calculating to downright conniving, the actor shows us his hand enough to follow along with each new plot he concocts, but also conceals enough to keep us in suspense....Di’Monte Henning shines as the veteran playwright’s student, who keeps the audience guessing as to his plans, his motives and his role in the increasingly terrifying play within a play within a play. Charismatic and self-assured, he’s a great foil for Watson’s aging and insecure author. With brains, brawn, a winning smile and a mind that’s just started conjuring ideas for the next great murder mystery, Henning’s youthful character doesn’t need guns to be threatening - he’s already there. He’s also the one who provides genuine chills and thrills for the audience - so sly you’ll never see them coming.”


Arnel Sancianco


Alexander Ridgers


Grover Hollway


Eleanor Cotey


Nikki Kulas


Christopher Elst

Stage Manager:

Brandy Kline

Assistant Director:

Sophronia Vowels


Di’Monte Henning

Mary Kababik

David Sapiro

Susan Spencer

Bill Watson


Paul Ruffolo




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